We’ve added a new line!
Our North TX and West TX office have added Nexus to their line sheets! They specialize in Piping Packages for Terminal Units, Heat Pumps and
Our North TX and West TX office have added Nexus to their line sheets! They specialize in Piping Packages for Terminal Units, Heat Pumps and
Happy Engineers Week to our PE’s Mark James and Taylor Moody!! “Today, EWeek is a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural
Our insides sales team were all smiles at their axe throwing team building event yesterday! “I love our IO team building events. It’s a great
Check out this article from DeisgnWell describing how the Plasma Air 7000 Series is helping the Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel in Athens, Greece provide
A 41 story residential luxury high-rise featuring Samsung VRF with Heat Recovery and Petra Outside Air Units. Located in Austin, Texas
Copyright 2022 McMillan James Equipment Company, LLC TACLA94831E